Thursday, September 10, 2009

A Blog Test: Big Pics from Flickr

Just putzing around here tonight, y'all - trying to see if I can upload larger photos onto the blog through Flickr. I could through Blogger, too, but I'm only alotted so many gigawigs per month or something. Just a test :)

Living Room (previous house)

Previous house. I was always bugged by the random strip of tile running alongside the living room carpeting. Really, though, who's going to rip out brand new tile just because it bugs them a little? I did like the southern exposure of this room, though. And the higher ceilings. This photo was taken just after the carpet guys cleaned up and we put the house on the market. Praise the Lord it sold so quickly!

Living Room (previous house)

Woah! Too big, Flickr!

Here's the living room of the new house. This was taken a month or two after moving in. I was selling the sofa and both loveseats on craigslist. This photo is compressed in Photo Manager and then selected as "medium" from Flickr.

Living Room (shortly after move)

Same photo uploaded straight to Blogger.

Test complete. "Medium" from Flickr it is. Thanks for reading :)

1 comment:

nanato8 said...

Jacci, I toyed with the idea of a mirror backsplash in the kitchen. But of course I did not do it. Give kisses. Love, mom